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OBESITY…action needed!

72 million adults in the U.S. are obese.

Obesity is excess body fat. A person becomes obese by eating too much food and not getting enough physical activity.

Overweight and obesity in children are significant public health problems as well.  It’s an epidemic that’s affected the entire country. In every state, more than 15 percent of adults are obese, and in twelve states, adult obesity rates are now 30 percent or more. Missouri is one of those states and Warren County’s obesity rate according to the most recent data from CDC is at 31%.  The County Level Study (2007) revealed that 82% of adults in Warren County ate less than 5 fruits and vegetables per day. These are the role models for our children.  As obesity rates in adults continue to rise across Missouri we can anticipate the same will be true for our younger residents as well.

What can you do? Help fight the epidemic.

• Eat more fruits and vegetables and fewer foods high in fat and sugar.

• Drink more water and less sugary drinks.

• Get more physical activity.

• Watch less television.

• Support breastfeeding.

• Promote policies and programs in your community that make healthy choices easy choices.

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